BBB 0.05 0.000 | BBBXF 0.04 0.000| 8BX1 0.04 0.000

Langis Project

Silver, Cobalt, Nickel


The Cobalt Mining District has produced over 600
Million oz Silver and 28 Million lbs Cobalt.


The steeply-dipping, Archean mafic volcanic rocks are overlain unconformably by the flat-lying Proterozoic Cobalt Group sediments, cut by the Nipissing diabase sills. These three units are host to the Ag-Co-Ni mineralizing system.


High-grade silver mineralization occurs as steeply-dipping veins within any of the three main rock types: Archean Keewatin volcanics, Coleman Member sediments and Nipissing diabase.

Archean Keewatin volcanics: These rocks comprise both metavolcanics and metasediments. The volcanics are most commonly intermediate to mafic pillowed basalt and massive flows. Between flows, deep-water cherty sediments and pyroclastic rocks were deposited. These interflow sediments are commonly rich in pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, galena, and sphalerite. Throughout the area, the volcanics are intruded by various mafic and ultra-mafic dykes.

Algoman intrusive: A large hornblende syenite pluton intruding the mine property has potential for gold mineralization but is underexplored to date.

Proterozoic Huronian Supergroup: Huronian rocks comprise the majority of exposed outcrop on the Langis property and consist of gently-dipping, unaltered clastic, glacially-derived sediments unconformably overlying the older Keewatin volcanic and intrusive rocks (Lowes, 1963). These sediments form the Coleman Member of the Gowganda Formation and consist of para- and ortho-conglomerates, pebbly sandstone and greywacke, and thinly-bedded argillites.

Early Proterozoic (Keewenawan): Rocks of this age are represented by the Nipissing diabase sill, a prominent and important rock type in the Cobalt Basin. The diabase intrudes in the form of extensive sheets as well as less prominent dykes and plugs.

Download Report: Genesis of Polymetallic Vein Mineralization in the Paleoproterozoic Cobalt Embayment, Northern Ontario: Implications for Metallogenesis and Regional Exploration

The Langis Project is predominantly covered by overburden, particularly in the eastern region, which suggests the possibility of additional silver zones being concealed. By integrating property-scale geophysics with the existing drill data, geological and structural interpretations can be enhanced, aiding in further understanding the project’s potential.

Hudson Bay

The Hudson Bay Mine had a historical production of 6.4 million ounces (Moz) of silver (Ag) at an average grade of 123 ounces per ton (opt) and 185,570 pounds of cobalt (Co) from 52,032 tons of ore. The mine operated between 1905 and 1953. The property hosts silver-cobalt-nickel (Ag-Co-Ni) mineralization within Archean and Precambrian rocks.